Click is an American comedy drama film about a workaholic architect, Mike, who is married to his longtime sweetheart and blessed with two kids. Mike gives priority to his work to earn and he often sacrifice the time for his family just to be able to give them the stuff that he never had. One day, he went to a store where an employee gave him a universal remote that enables him to fast forward time especially the unpleasant or dull parts of his life. He soon realizes that those seemingly bad parts of his life contained vital or very important life lessons and wants to take back the time he missed. Luckily, after dying, he suddenly wakes up and finds out that everything he thought that happened was all a dream and he just fell asleep on the bed being sold at the store he went to. After that, he changed for the better and made sure that he won't do things wrong ever again.
Many people believe that the events that are seen in a precognitive dreams are going to happen and there is nothing that can be done to change what will happen. Others believe that the events are based on current circumstances. The events can change depending on choices that the people involved in the event make. I was able to talk about precognitive dreams where they served to be a warning for something that's about to happen that can't be changed on my previous post, If Only & Precognitive Dreaming, but for this movie Click, precognitive dreams became a way to show someone what might happen in the future and the give that person a chance to change it.
I've found this article called The Anatomy of Precognitive Dreaming by Ian Wilson in the site called In this article, as the title states, the anatomy of precognitive dreaming was discussed. The 4 types of precognitive dreams were also discussed. The first type is the Symbolic Precognitive Dream, it is where dream symbolism abstracts the precognitive information and generally is not realized up until the time it actually happens. The second type is the Literal Precognitive Dream, it's from a first-person view, this type is in literal detail. What you sense, think and feel in the dream can actualize in the future. This dream can bring about a Déjà Vu aura however linking the memory of the déjà to a dream is what classifies this type of dream as Déjà Rêvé. The third type is the 3rd Person Precognitive Dream, it is from a third-person vantage point, this type can take on both symbolic and literal similarities however it doesn't mean that the information being observed will happen from a first-person point of view. The last type is the Lucid Precognitive Dream and there are two kinds of this, Active & Ambient. In an active lucid dream, the dreamer actively tries to engage the precognitive dream, while in an ambient lucid dream, the dreamer passively observes the dream remaining within the usual dream flow.
"At the heart of dreaming, there is one observable fact:Dreams are organized thought."
After reading this quote, I realized that dreams are really mind-generated thoughts organized into an experience unlike physical reality, there are no atoms, molecules or gravitational forces, it's just thoughts. It's really amazing how our mind works. There are really limitless possibilities of what our mind is capable of.
I've also found this article called Precognitive Dreams by Manali Oak in the site called Buzzle. In the article, the author discussed who can have precognitive dreams. It has been observed that the precognition we experience are associated with the part of the brain which controls feelings. It has also been found that people with creative minds receive precognition clearer and also the rate of those precognition turning true is higher with them.
I guess this is why precognitive dreaming is commonly associated with psychic abilities because sometimes, they turn to be true and people tend to believe that the individual who experienced it would always have a correct assumption about things. They don't realize that it may just be a coincidence. It was mentioned in the article that an individual with a creative mind has a higher rate of having precognition that turns to be true. So, I guess, people with real psychic powers must probably have an amazingly creative mind.
"They may turn true; sometimes for occult reasons, sometimes for reasons clearly seen and at times, it's sheer coincidence."
I was amazed on how the movie, Click, used precognitive dreaming as a tool to make Mike realize what he had been missing and what he has been taking for granted for many years. If I ever experience precognitive dreaming, I'm sure I would also use it to change things for the better. The movie was really funny but it was also able to leave the viewers with a very nice lesson not to forget to spend quality time with their families and not just think about their career, job or ways to earn money.
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